Personalized Solutions. Effortless Experience. File Thru Trial™.

Our Private Investigators Pick Up the Trail Where Your Databases and Other Resources Leave Off

Whether you have a need-to-know or need to accomplish a critical task and you find yourself at an impasse, our team of investigators will get you to where you need to be.

Civil Investigations

Prevailing for your clients requires critical thinking and a methodical approach to compiling overwhelming evidence that supports the truth of your client’s matter. First Legal Investigations is a team of experienced professional investigators and investigative support specialists who uncover, collect, and document evidence that bolsters your ability to achieve successful outcomes for your clients at both the pre-litigation and litigation stages of representation.

We bring longevity and the highly developed investigative skill sets that go along with it to our client relationships to build winning cases together. You will find our understanding of the law, case strategy, and how we conduct our investigations from that perspective to be refreshing and one that creates an effortless experience for you, our client.

Our areas of investigative competencies include:

  • Personal Injury Investigations
  • Workers’ Compensation Investigations
  • Sub Rosa
  • Business Investigations
  • Corporate Investigations
  • Intellectual Property Investigations – Trademark/Copyright Enforcement
  • Family and Domestic
  • Skip Trace Investigations
  • Background Investigations
  • Asset Investigations.

Initiate a Civil Investigation