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The photo includes a chessboard, the scales of justice, and a lawyer advocating for his clients remotely during the coronavirus outbreak.

As a result of coronavirus, the legal industry of 2020 differs from anything we’ve seen before. Fortunately, remote technologies have made it possible for litigants to get justice despite the pandemic. In the past few months, attorneys across the country have adapted to social distancing measures and changing court procedures – continuing to advance cases remotely.

If you’re unfamiliar with remote litigation, you may be wondering how to prepare for remote proceedings. In this article, we’re sharing some of the best ways that you can advocate for your client while working remotely.

Know the Available Technologies

Most courts and law firms do not have well-established information technology departments. In order to hold a hearing or deposition, you’ll need to communicate with courts and opposing counsel to find a technology solution that works for everyone.This means that it is incumbent on individual attorneys to research and understand the available technology.

So, how does this relate to client advocacy?

The truth is, you can actually advocate for your client simply by including them in discussions about proposed technology. Clients may have specific limitations that should be taken into consideration. Try reaching out to your client to see which programs their computer or tablet can support, and which operating system they are running. This will help you avoid unexpected software and hardware conflicts, while showing your client that you are preparing with the same level of care that you would offer during a traditional proceeding.

Prepare Backup Materials

As the saying goes, it’s wise to “plan for failure, but hope for success” when it comes to remote legal proceedings. Unfortunately, all technology is fallible, and internet connectivity can be unreliable.

To avoid becoming flustered by choppy video and garbled audio, consider distributing all relevant materials within a single folder. After everything is compiled using easily identifiable filenames, create a hyperlinked index that can guide users to the appropriate documents. Ensuring that all participants have a copy of this folder can mitigate the potential disruptions caused by poor streaming and connectivity. This practice also makes clients feel more confident and in control of their case.

Commit to Good Communication

In the absence of in-person meetings, we must rely more heavily on email and phone calls. As frustrating as this can be when you’re playing phone tag with opposing counsel, try to remember to reserve time for your client. Depending on your case, this might mean sending daily email updates or simply answering the occasional question. Regardless of how you choose to communicate, the truth is that you can advocate for your client more effectively when you have earned their trust and confidence. To develop that relationship, try to invest in good communication.

Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading! We hope these tips have helped you develop your client advocacy strategy.  If you enjoyed this article, let us know in the comments and feel free to share it on social media. As you adapt to remote working, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions. Remember: we’re here for you from File Thru Trial™.

If you have questions on any of our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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