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Top 3 Tips for Leveraging Online Tools and Remote Help for Virtual Practices

By making shrewd decisions, you can leverage technology and remote workers to scale and overtake even well-established traditional law firms. Here are three tips to help that scenario materialize sooner rather than later.

  1. Answer every call during working hours – One of the biggest gripes of clients is when their queries go unanswered, and voicemail is one of the quickest ways to turn off a prospective client. No matter what you’re doing, just answering your phone can have a transformative effect on your virtual practice.
  2. Use free online scheduling tools – Free apps such as Calendly and Acuity allow the sharing of your personal calendar on websites, email signatures, and with remote workers. So whilst your busy doing something else, a client can schedule a call, a lead can request a consult, and a remote worker can find out when a crucial deadline is – all without disturbing you.
  3. Broaden your payment processing capabilities – Often, an afterthought of virtual practices is how to accept payments. You will win more clients when you have the payment option they prefer. Look at accepting credit cards (despite the fees), checks, and ACH direct deposits. Also, make sure to charge for consults if your jurisdiction allows you to do so. It’s the fastest way to weed out no-shows and timewasters.

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